Avoid the costly mistakes when starting your new business
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Every new business owner needs a roadmap

Social media makes business ownership look easy.  But long before the beautiful spaces, shiny new products and exciting offerings, there was months and months of hard work that went on behind the scenes.  The infrastructure, funding, lease negotiation, pricing, policies took time and effort to figure out and execute. 

Our course provides you with the roadmap for a smooth and successful start-up that avoids expensive mistakes.  We include real life examples to demonstrate the impact of your choices long-term success. 

Yes please. I'M READY


You are really really good at what you do and have had visions of how, if given the chance, you would do it better.  But you aren't quite sure of where to start.

But the fear of not knowing where to start is paralyzing you 

  • What's the right location for my business? Should I find someone to share with? Should I start in my home? What should be in my lease?
  • What should I charge? How do I figure out how to price my programs? What do I pay the people I hire?
  • Should I partner with someone else? Do I have the bandwidth to do this on my own?
  • Where do I get the money to open my own business? 

These questions can be overwhelming and get in the way of your progress or creativity.   


Break the paralysis and map out your entrepreneurial journey


We provided budding business owners with a roadmap to follow - with the directions and warnings of dangers ahead by expanding your financial and business literacy.  

So you can avoid expensive pitfalls, not become distracted by changes in the market, avoid underpricing for services or overextending your resources.  



is not a business plan

"My brother in-law is an attorney.  He said he'd review the lease", is not legal counsel.  

"My friend has a spare room in her barre studio that I can use to start up", is not a "low-risk" space option.

"Everyone in my area charges $x, so I'm going to do the same so I can be competitive" is not a pricing strategy.

"My co-worker and I are going in 50-50.  She's putting up the capital and I'll take the lead on the business", is not a partnership agreement

New entrepreneurs need professional guidance to avoid the many pitfalls that can arise from any of these examples. 


Make good decisions early

Early mistakes can cost a lot in the long run. And most of them are avoidable - if you know what their impact can be.  

  • What if a bad neighbor moves in next door? What protections do you have? 
  • What if you have a partner and they have to move out of state?
  • What's the long-term impact of overpaying your first hire?
  • Why do you need to hire employees and not contractors? 
  • What if you need start up capital?  
  • What if your competition has really low prices? Or really high prices? 

Our studio start up course lays the foundation for long term success woven with real-life experiences and stories. It will help you think about the things you didn't know you needed to think about so that you are smarter and more prepared.  

Break the paralysis and map out your entrepreneurial journey


We provided budding business owners with a roadmap to follow - with the directions and warnings of dangers ahead by expanding your financial and business literacy.  

So you can avoid expensive pitfalls, not become distracted by changes in the market, avoid underpricing for services or overextending your resources.  


You will be more decisive, confident and adaptable to changes in circumstances.   


This course will evolve your financial and business literacy BEFORE you start investing time and money.  Learn the vocabulary and basics to get you to your grand opening.


By the end of course #1, you'll have learned:

  • How to determine the best location for your start up In-home, office rental, within another business or a retail space.  All have strengths and drawbacks.  Analyze the pros and cons and determine what's best for you
  • What to look and ask for in your lease Don't set yourself up for failure with punishing lease terms. Yes, you will have an attorney review, but as the business owner, you need to know what you need and what to ask for.
  • How to create a pricing strategy, that meets your financial needs, leaves room for growth and allows you to sleep at night
  • How to determine if partnership is right for you and how to protect yourself with a well thought out partnership agreement

And you'll be able to achieve all of this with one extra invaluable resource... ME!

Unlike other courses and programs that leave you without so much as an email address to reach out to... I'll be with you throughout the program with an option for one-off mentorship calls.


You're going to



Business Vocabulary

A spreadsheet of common business vocabulary and terms that will build your confidence when speaking to professionals about your business.

How-To Roadmap

Step by step process for starting up your business from determining the right location to basics of a lease negotiation to evaluating partnerships and developing your pricing strategy

Story Time Videos

Real life stories to give context to the many "What-if" scenarios that can and will happen as a business owner.  

Business Models

The structure you decide upon impacts your cashflow and profitability.  It's important to dissect all the options before you open your business so you can make the best choice from the start


Sample job descriptions, policies and documents that will help your business run smoothly from day one 

Conversations to have

It's important to have tough conversations with anyone you may get into business with.  We outline conversation starters that can help prevent disagreements before they happen.  

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Course #1 Studio Start Up

Building the foundation on which your business will stand and grow

  • Determining the right location - risks and benefits of all options
  • Basic business vocabulary so yuo sound prepared and savvy when speaking to potential landlords or creditors
  • Avoiding partnership pitfalls
  • Establishing why you want a lease and what should be in it
  • Analyzing the right business model for your start up
  • Story time - real life stories that give context and experience


Get your hands on the exact process we use to guide new business owners in starting up


This should be a fun and enriching experience.  The kind of thing that keeps you up late and gets you up early because your excitement and creativity just won't let you rest. 

Seriously, it really is much easier than you think to be prepared!

Feelings of paralysis and anxiety set in when you aren't prepared or educated.  Keep yourself moving on the path to success with the Start Up Course.




And just who will be teaching you The Studio Start Up Course?

Me! I'm Jessica

I'm a brick & mortar business owner for over 25 years who has pivoted so many times I could join the circus.  I have experienced it all and have taken my depth of knowledge and built a series of courses to help new businesses start up without making expensive and avoidable mistakes.

  • I have started, purchased and sold businesses 
  • I've had 5 locations - and negotiated eight different types of leases
  • I've brought in partners, bought out partners and sold my shares to outside investors  
  • I have hired, fired, trained & recruited staff at all levels and of varying pay scales
  • I've been small; I've been the largest in the NY tri-state area.  I've had cashflow crises, have raised capital and had explosive growth

Our studio start up course lays the foundation for long term success woven with real-life experiences and stories.


Let's Talk About the COURSE


The breakdown

Finding the right location & determining your lease options

There are so many options to new business owners.  Friends who have space in their business, your home, renting an office, renting a retail level location.  

All have the benefits and drawbacks.  But often, the options that seem the most low-risk can be the most high risk.  This section pulls back the curtain on all options so you can made an informed decision.


Your Business's Legal Structure & Understanding Partnerships

It may not be fun or sexy, but determining your business structure and partnership agreements (should you be considering a partner) is so critical to think through in the early days.

This section goes through the options you have, tax and liability implications and what to consider if entering a partnership.


Basic Business Vocabulary

Lenders, landlords, friends, family...they will all take you more seriously if you speak the language of the business.  It can stop the negative nellie's in their tracks and say "I think she can do this". 



Business Models and Pricing Strategies

Pricing yourself or mimicking the business model of the competition is a fast track to failure. Decisions like how you are going to generate revenue must be based on your circumstances NOT the guy down the street.  

In this section we go over the traditional personal service business models and pricing structures and offer the pros and cons of each so you can make an informed decision. 

The Studio Start Up gets you from idea to grand opening. This is your roadmap to good decision making and prepartion.

Let's get you started!

Not only will you get instant access to all the course materials, but you'll also get any future updates I throw in! If you upgrade to the premium plan, you will also get one 45 minute mentorship calls per month for 6 months at a discounted rate.  

I'm ready to invest $279 to protect myself



Build a strong foundation that sets you up for profitability and long term success

  • Determining the right location - risks and benefits of all options
  • Basic business vocabulary so yuo sound prepared and savvy when speaking to potential landlords or creditors
  • Avoiding partnership pitfalls
  • Establishing why you want a lease and what should be in it
  • Analyzing the right business model for your start up
  • Story time - real life stories that give context and experience

Entrepreneurship is a process. The ups and downs are frequent and fast.  Stay resilient.  Stay confident.  Keep a mindset of expansion and abundance and know you have the grit and tenacity to get through anything.